<string id="PromtDelete">Are you sure that you want to delete %s plug-in?</string>
<string id="IDC_STATIC_TEXT1">Here you can view current plug-ins status, purchase a new plug-in or delete an unused plug-in.</string>
<string id="IDC_BTN_LINK">More detailed information about the plug-in system can be found here.</string>
<string id="IDC_BUTTON_ADD">Add</string>
<string id="IDC_BUTTON_DELETE">Delete</string>
<string id="IDCANCEL">Close</string>
<Dialog id="CPluginBrowseDlg">
<string id="Caption">Add plug-in...</string>
<string id="Column1">Plugin</string>
<string id="Column2">Version</string>
<string id="IDC_STATIC_TEXT1">In this window you can select a program, which data you would like to back up.</string>
<string id="IDOK">OK</string>
<string id="IDCANCEL">Close</string>
<string id="ID_MESSAGE1">It is impossible to establish a connection with the server. Try to connect later.</string>
<string id="ID_MESSAGE2">You can download more plug-ins for backup on the [ProgramName] site.</string>
<string id="ID_MESSAGE3">Click "Yes" to turn to the site. Click "No" to stop working with plug-ins.</string>
<Dialog id="CRegUpdateNoticeDlg">
<string id="Caption">[ProgramName] 更新通知</string>
<string id="IDOK">确定</string>
<string id="IDS_UPDATE_NOTICE">你是首次启动了 [ProgramName] with DVD 更新。程序已获知你是 [ProgramName] 的注册用户,你只需 $20 就可以更新你的序列号。更新之后你就可以使用相同的序列号注册 [ProgramName] DVD 更新了。</string>
<string id="IDC_STATIC_TEXT1">Your current version is %d.%d.%d.
If you would like to know if a new version is available, please click to
"Check for update..."</string>
<string id="IDC_BUTTON_CKECKUPDATE">Check for update...</string>
<string id="IDC_STATIC_TEXT2">Checking for new version</string>
<string id="IDS_REG_STATUS_TRIAL">This evaluation version will expire in%s %d %s.</string>
<string id="IDS_Info_Register_Body">If you experience any problems during the registration process, please send a letter to <mailto:[SupportMail]|[SupportMail]>. We will be happy to assist you with the registration. If you don't have a registration key, <%s|click here> to obtain it.</string>
<string id="Body">====== [ProgramName] Notification ======
This message has been sent to you automatically by [ProgramName] because an operation on the item "[ItemName]" has started at [RunTime] and finished with status "[ErrorString]"</string>
<string id="IDS_MESSAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED">Your account is out of quota. In order to continue using Online Backup you should pay for additional storage.</string>
<string id="IDS_MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED">Your account has expired. In order to continue using Online Backup you should pay for the account.</string>
<Ctrl id="CUpdateCheckManager">
<string id="IDC_CONNECTERROR">Can't download last HB version</string>
<string id="IDC_NO_NEW_VER_AVALIABLE">No new versions available. You are using the latest version.</string>
<string id="IDS_MESSAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED">Your account is out of quota. In order to continue using Online Backup you should pay for additional storage.</string>
<string id="IDS_MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED">Your account has expired. In order to continue using Online Backup you should pay for the account.</string>
<string id="IDS_SHELL_STARTUP_ERROR">Failed to start [ProgramName].
Reason : %s</string>
<Ctrl id="CEMailNotification">
<string id="IDS_FTPLOG_cannot_resolve_host">E-mail Notification : cannot resolve the host "%s"</string>
<string id="IDS_Test_msg_subject">[ProgramName] Test Notification Message</string>
<string id="IDS_Test_msg_body">This is an e-mail message sent automatically by [ProgramName] while testing your e-mail notification settings..
<string id="IDS_SKIP_LOG">Log text was skipped by local settings.</string>
<string id="IDS_M_INSERT_DISK">Please insert disc and press OK.</string>
<string id="IDS_M_DISC_COMPLETED">The disc is completed.
Please insert another disc and press OK.
If the disc is CD-R/DVD-R disc, make sure it is blank.
If the disc is CD-RW/DVD-RW disc, it might need erasing.</string>
<string id="IDS_M_NOT_ENOUGH_CDSPACE">There is not enough space on the disc.
Please change disc and press OK.</string>
<string id="IDS_M_CDDEVICE_NOT_READY">CD/DVD device is not ready.
Press OK to retry.</string>
<string id="IDS_M_E_OPEN_SPECIFIC_FILE">Can not open file "%s".</string>
<string id="IDS_RETRYING">Retrying...</string>
<string id="IDS_NO_DVD_UPDATE">This task use DVD feature and can not be processed because DVD update is not correctly installed and registered.</string>
<string id="IDS_DVD_ALREADY_RUNNING">The DVD module is already using.</string>
<string id="IDS_REGSTM_INIT_FAILED_BCKP">Failed to initialize RegStream library. No registry keys will be backed up. Continue ?</string>
<string id="IDS_BYTES_TO_PROCESS">%d file(s) to process, %I64d bytes total.</string>